Race Information
Please peruse the pages within the website but if the information you are looking for is not there then please contact me on nicky@BrucesCrown.co.uk
The race can be entered on SiEntries here https://www.sientries.co.uk/event.php?event_id=13647
1) We will check Previous Experience when you enter and you will initially be placed on a Pre-Selection list. We will aim to send out an email confirming your acceptance and requesting payment.
As a minimum we require three member to have one of the below and then the fourth member can be less experienced.
a) 1 x Mountain marathon experience. Please give year and course
b) 2 x AL / Scottish Classics fell race completions. Please give year and time/position
c) Other Experience and competence on the hills. Rounds are perfectly acceptable eg Bob Graham etc as are any long, full days out on the mountains with navigation.
2) The race is £300 to enter a team of four runners
3) To enter a Team the Team Captain will first need a "Team Name" then to add themselves. It is possible to enter an incomplete team and then at a later date add the the SI Entry number, email address and last name of each team member to the Team. When SI Entries brings up that Team Member you then add Experience in the blank box and make sure the Emergency contact box are complete. You can now save a partly completed Team entry ie one with 1 or more team members.
3a) You can enter someone who isn't currently on SiEntries but will need full details such as dob, address, contact details, medical history as well as Experience and Emergency contact details.
4) There will be prizes for Open Team, Ladies Team, Mixed Teams and Vets Team. A Mixed Team is any combination of Men and Women.
Registration and Start times
The race starts on Saturday 5th April 2025 with the Walkers setting off from 2pm and Runners from 4pm. There is a cut off at 11pm Saturday at CP5 (Dee Bridge Track CP) and 6am Sunday at CP11 (Track CP after Corran of Portmark) and the overall cut off will be 2pm on Sunday 6th April.
We will be using Opentracking to record that Teams have visited each of the following checkpoints. You are free to choose your own route between checkpoints however I have published "recommended route" and marked some unclear forestry areas. There could be extra manned checkpoints added to this list so please check back here every now and again.
Updated 26th August 2024 - Escape routes added.
Runners can carry these maps and they will pass kit check however TWO full maps must be carried per Team eg https://www.harveymaps.co.uk - Galloway-Hills
Start / Finish Caldons old campsite OS Grid Ref: NX 40027 78951
CP1 Lamachan OS Grid Ref: NX 43517 76905
CP2 Curleywee OS Grid Ref: NX 45459 76958
CP3 Millfore OS Grid Ref: NX 47814 75463
CP4 Cairngarroch OS Grid Ref: NX 49135 77569
CP5 Forest Track Manned with hot food / drink. Cut off 11pm OS Grid Ref: NX 49595 79503
The Quarry is Out of Bounds from the Forest track to access to Darrou. See Route notes
CP6 Darrou OS Grid Ref: NX 50605 80121
CP7 Meikle Millyea OS Grid Ref: NX 51835 82885
CP8 Corserine OS Grid Ref: NX 49780 87063
CP9 Meaul OS Grid Ref: NX 50052 90972
CP10 Coran of Portmark OS Grid Ref: NX 50905 93678
CP11 Forest Track Manned with hot food / drink. Cut off 6am OS Grid Ref: NX 47639 94101
CP12 Forest Track Manned with food/drink OS Grid Ref: NX 42830 94468
CP13 Shiel Hill - Trig OS Grid Ref: NX 41757 94526
CP14 Craigmasheenie OS Grid Ref: NX 41465 92922
CP15 Shallock on the Minnoch Trig OS Grid Ref: NX 40453 90708
CP16 Tarfessock OS Grid Ref: NX 40896 89222
CP 17 Kirriereoch OS Grid Ref: NX 42077 87010
CP18 Merrick OS Grid Ref: NX 42733 85526
CP19 Gate in wall OS Grid Ref: NX 40515 83126
CP20 Bruce's Stone OS Grid Ref: NX 41577 80349
Finish Caldons campsite OS Grid Ref: NX 40027 78951
Map 1 - Map 1 Bruce's Crown.pdf
Map 2 - Map 2 Bruce's Crown.pdf
Track CP 5 - Track CP5 2025.jpg
Map 3 - Map 3 Bruce's Crown.pdf
Map 4 - Map 4 Bruce's Crown.pdf
Map 5 - Map 5 Bruce's Crown.pdf
Track CP11 - Track CP11 2025.jpg
Map 6 - Map 6 Bruce's Crown.pdf
Track CP12 - Track CP12 2025.jpg
Map 7 - Map 7 Bruce's Crown.pdf
Map 8 - Map 8 Bruce's Crown.pdf
Escape Routes - Escape Routes
Bad weather - Low level route 1 to 40,000.pdf
Bad weather - Level route 1 to 25,000.pdf
Photo on the right is coming off Bennanbrack looking at Curelywee (highest left). You can contour Scars of Milldown by going left after the lochan.